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The Goddess Voice Academy Presents:

Sacred Woman Sound Healing

A Feminine Path to Visibility and Sharing your Voice as your True Self

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Are you Hiding behind your work or your Expertise?

Are you ready for your Light to be Truly Seen?


Take your Holistic Business from Held Back to Unstuck and Riding the Highway of your Dreams


The Path of the True Self requires that you answer the call for your light to be seen, not just your expertise and your work.

We need to KNOW the light that is in our voice. It leads us to the confidence to speak from our soul and the joy that follows automotacally when we experss.




Rediscover the initiation keys and transformational skills that Awaken your  for your empower through vibration and voice?


Do you long to really FEEL and EMBODY the ancient power locked up in your voice and presence?


Sacred Visibility is a transformational journey to radically shift your patterns of disempowerment and see YOURSELF as the incredible woman you are so you can step up fully to your great work, understand your leadership place in the world, shift to an integrated vibration, unleash a new and liberated  identity, express your light, and leap forward on the path as a dynamic Sacred Woman voice in the world Messenger.


Be mentored through your journey of awakening your unique visibility signature by International Performer, Teacher and Song Healer Dominique Oyston

The Realm of the Enchanted Message


Once upon a time the voices of women were the most powerful in the land.

gain access to these powerful Sound Healing Sacred Geometry Keys that rebuild the Temple of Feminine Power in your body and soul.

Sacred Woman Sound Healing's unique Methodology is a Deep Journey to Empower you as a Healer and Oracle in the Ancient Art of Sound Healing and Soul Alignment with the Voice.

As you connect your voice to your lineage of wisdom, and encoded gifts, you'll shift vibrationally and fast track into the future.
These are signature feminine wisdom of the voice tools to heal yourself and your clients
and flow out with fierce confidence and beauty to touch the hearts of others.


The Quest for Individuality and Uniqueness and freedom from the invisible forces that hold us back from our secret longings for expression.

Move through the 7 levels of feminine Disempowerment that lead to an Invisibility Pattern that stops you from stepping into your true potential.

Use the sacred numbers of initiation to connect to your genius as a Messenger


Healing with the voice is a spiritual gateway to manifesting divine magic.
The LightWorker's Voice: Sound Healing Academy

Remember and awaken the spiritual lineage of your voice as a vibrational healer, oracle, spiritual guide, enchantress, truth speaker, nature whisperer and priestess.

This is what members are saying.


"I gained so much from you. THANK YOU! Dear Dominique, a sincere thank you for holding the space for me to fully emerge as a sound healer.

Your course has opened me up to the gifts that reside within me and taught me how to release my ability to heal with my voice with grace, love and joy! You hold the space and set a wonderful example of living in the true space of healing.


You are true Sound Goddess & Priestess and inspiration to me. Thank you for coming forth and ushering me onto a new level healing as a client and practitioner. I am truly grateful to you!

Much Love"    Elizabeth Knudson Healer Soul Song Ascending

"The Intuitive Voice Course with Dominique was a fabulous experience.

On every call, I learnt more about toning, different sound healing structures and myself.I discovered how I can tune myself to heal, what is revealed through my own voice, and how I turn up in my life and this world.


I highly recommend everyone learning and being introduced to toning, for healing, for self development and learning.

Thank you for holding this space and sharing your gifts. It was such a pleasure...a wonderful course, just perfect."    Alexis Qld Australia


You probably know it's time to step into the light with resounding presence and the magic of your quantum voice.

Gifted women emerge in the full goddess power of your authenticity...

If your spiritual contract includes deep fulfillment from sharing your significant work, the freedom to blaze your own trail, and authentically expressing your deepest self - be guided through SEVEN POWERFUL IMMERSION LEVELS with weekly inspirational lectures and practical techniques by a compassionate mentor who overcame her profoundly introvert fears of being seen and heard, to connecting with her light to audiences from CEO's and Presidents, to concrete cutters, kids and car manufacturers all over the world as a song healer, speaker, and teacher.
Unlocking the magic of your authentic voice amplifies all aspects of your life and supercharges your business.
As you tap into the truth of your unique channel you'll learn the fundamental ‘sound healing’ practices that connect you to the frequencies in your voice to empower your healing practice.
Exponentially open up your intuitive and healing voice to transform your life and that of your clients.

Misty Slopes
This is for you if you wish to:

Embrace the No.1 shift for conscious women to attract more clients

Inspire in your communication and serve at the highest level.

Accelerate the emergence of your gifts and purpose.

Open up deeper levels of your intuition and healing ability.

 Bring new life to your services and income

Heal emotional blocks that keep you silent

Empower yourself as a vibrational Practitioner

Discover the next powerful piece in your healing toolkit

Be more magnetic in your marketing

Learn healing techniques used in the mystery schools

Understand the foundations of all Sound Healing practice

Connect your intuition to your voice 

Find your unique healing tones


Discover which frequencies, qualities and elemental energies in your voice are your greatest power source so you can use your voice as a gateway to vibrational healing.


Initations -The Road to Authentic Visibility

Step 1: Unlock the Visible Voice

You begin your journey by meeting the secret power in your voice. Most people spend a lifetime longing to express more of who they are and wishing they could come closer to the truth of who they are. When you start to connect to the essencvoice and learn how sound is a spiritual and manifesting technology that every ancient culture used as a pathway to the voice of the divine, you'll experience and realize you are more powerful than you ever imagined. The invisbile forces taht hold us back

Visibility Amplifier #1​ Awakening the Power of your Voice

  • The return of the divine feminine sound healer

  • Sound as a healing technology

  • Evolution of soul consciousness 

  • From ancient structures to freedom

  • The sacred geometry structures

  • Introduction to toning

  • The three levels of the voice

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Step 2: The Signature of the Self

When you body is not a fully enlivened vehicle for the light of your spirit, the 4 Universal Archetypes will block your I Am light from shining at its brightest. As you learn to reset the connection to your voice in the four levels of Self by connecting your voice to the physical, emotional, energy and thought bodies, you'll find yourself no longer relying on the coffee, the alcohol, or the fb reel fixes to numb out the disappointments or frustrations you don't want to feel. The Unity Tone allows you to find that deep centre of Self to know, see and hear, your authentic nature.

Sound Healing Kit #2 Activating the Spirit of the I Am

  • Stand in the power of your epic light'

  • See yourself through the lens of the healed self

  • Activate the presence of your spirit

  • Toning the self - The "I Am"

  • The 4 universal archetypes and the inner voice  - Core identity

  • Clearing & protection practices 


Step 3: Between Heaven and Earth

In this next step you're introduced to toning through the Hermetic Laws so you can experience harmonizing duality with sound, and heal the many wounds of separation within self and for your clients.

With the Goddess of Love, you can begin to truly unlock your throat chakra, heal past experiences of being separated from your authentic voice, and finally appreciate your sound. And you'll never need to feel alone in this again when you're working with goddess guidance.


Sound Healing Kit #3 The Goddess of Harmony

  • Sound healing and feminine power

  • Meeting Aphrodite - co-cerator/charisma

  • How to be visible as both human and divine

  • Toning and the Hermetic Laws - project Isis and Osiris built the body - you build your true work - dual identity

  • Harmonizing duality with sound

  • Unlocking your throat chakra

  • Working with goddess guidance

  • Stand in the power of your duality - range


Step 4: Reveal the Sacred Architecture of your Soul

The voice of the soul is probably the most potent healing tool on the planet. Discover the threefold soul sound healing system and tune your voice to your soul centres to access this triple wisdom of your instinct, intuition, and intellect, to start your journey of becoming a sound channel.

In this step you discover how to unfold the purpose of your voice and its creative power.  You learn the secrets of deep soul listening, creating and manifesting with the voice.

Sound Healing Kit #4 Toning the Soul Centres​

  • Creative confidence adn visibility

  • Tuning your voice to the soul centres

  • The third sacred geometry tone

  • Becoming a sound channel/light language

  • The threefold soul sound healing system

  • Creating with the voice - soul identity

  • Keeping your channel clear

  • Stand in the power of your soul wisdom


Step 4:  Being Seen and Heard Feminine Rites of Passage - the Woman's Medicine Wheel

The 4 staages of Feminine visibility Medicine Wheel

Sound Healing Kit #4 Toning the Soul Centres​

  • How to work with Maiden Visibility

  • How to work with Mother Visibility

  • How to work with Wisde Woman Vibility

  • The Power fo the Crone

  • Medicine Wheel - passage of time identity

  • 4 Directions elements

  • Loving nature - pasrt of nature

  • Stand in the power of your cycle- body

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Step 5: Unlock the Temple of the Feminine

The Western Mystery stream of human consciousness sings the song of the life spirit in the elements. Discover how the magic in your voice can be brought back to life by using the ancient wisdom of the 5 Celtic Tones of the Goddess. Reconnect to the power of the Priestess to bring your voice out of the mists of invisibility and reactivate the Intuitive Voice map to unseal your voice magic channel.

Awaken the long lost feminine wisdom of the sounding voice to rebuild the Temple of the Feminine in your body, heart, and mind.

Sound Healing Kit #5 The Temple of the Feminine

  • Stand in the power of your magic - vessel feminine lineage - feminine identity

  • Avalon and voice magic

  • The incredible etheric body!

  • The stations of the Goddess

  • The 5 Celtic Mystery tones technique

  • Energy healing and nature

  • Priestess, Oracle and the intuitive channel

  • The intuitive voice map

  • Unsealing your voice magic


Step 6: The Incredible Visibility Frequency of Love

High beam radiance and resonance!

To be seen and heard by the ones we love or our peers or mentors or bise is deeply satisfying. To be seena dn heard and received  by other is one of the core human needs Be seen in your relationships.

Do you feel seen, heard, and valued by your partner?  Have you been encouraged to be a people pleaser? One of the many benefits of a happy and healthy relationship is the feeling that you have someone who really “gets” you. When you show up for your partner, and when you feel seen and heard, your connection will deepen and you can even reduce your stress! 

  • increase the balance in your Emotional Bank Account

  • How to identify and express your needs in the relationshipRedunce the need to bbid for emotional connection

Sound Healing Kit #6 The True Meaning of Love in your Life Initiation

  • Stand in the power fo your heart

  • Sound as a form of light -Heart identity

  • Seed syllable sounds

  • Toning the chakras

  • The 7 pure vowels for intuitive toning

  • Uniting mind, body and spirit

  • Including instruments: crystal bowls, drum etc.

Step 7: Visibility Goddess

High beam radiance and resonance!

In ancient times across all cultures, the cleansed and balanced central chakras were recognized as a superior conduit to connect to spirit, bring light into the body, and to establish an intuitive or oracular channel to the voice of the divine.

The foremost way in which the chakras were prepared for this task was through sound and toning.

Become a keeper of the mysteries of the body in the ancient Egyptian way and ignite your own Tower of Light that unites body, mind and spirit.

Discover the seed syllable sounds which form the octave architecture of light in your body, which enables you to have the clear resonance of who you are, and what you are capable of as a healer and guide, radiating form you.

Switch your magnetic attractor energy onto high beam!

Sound Healing Kit #6 The Tower of Light

  • Stand in the power of your transoformational power/power to transform - leadership

  • The Egyptians- Keepers of the Mysteries of the Body - tree of life identity/knowledge

  • Sound as a form of light

  • Lit up like a lighthouse

  • Toning the chakras

  • The 7 pure vowels for intuitive toning

  • Uniting mind, body and spirit

Step 8: Bringing your Voice to the World

Now you've been taken through to the number seven, you have seven solid steps with seven solid tools to help support you to shift your vibration to being anchored into a much more real, true, and authentic space.

Now comes the time to empower your healing sounds, learn to create physical authority and confidence, and work with the nervous system of the voice to vigorously take your services and offerings to the world.

This is where you realize that your mission of restoring the divine feminine power of the voice is alive within you and will continue to grow and take you forward into an incredible future.

Sound healing Kit #7 The Keys to Vocal Power


  • Vocal Anatomy 101

  • How to develop powerful sound healing sounds

  • Embodying the voice

  • Physical authority and confidence

  • The nervous system and the voice

  • Healing your own voice and body

  • Breathing to heal and reset

  • Visibility without burnout

So, how do I know this works?

For 20 years I was in a successful operatic career that saw me traveling the world singing for top companies and VIP's. But despite the success (and the fun) I had a deep, unassailable inner longing to forge my own way as a healer and leader in the field of spiritual entrepreneurship, and create my own signature business.


In my career, as a natural introvert, I hid behind my work, assailed by the inner resistances to come out of deep hiding.

I fiercely developed feminine wisdom tools to empower myself, to heal, feel and finally know the deeper truth of who I was.


Do YOU know deep inside that you need to be YOU - and be magical and riveting as yourself rather than fitting in?

Do you sense your voice holds the key to your truth?


Your mythic life, your glory, and your unique success await you. Take out your sword of light and come on the adventure of transformation.


Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to experience 7 key trainings and techniques to heal and open your voice and gifts, and move towards the authority platform you were born for, so you can flow out with fierce confidence and beauty to touch the hearts of others.

About your Guide


My work is to connect you to the soul signature  wisdom encoded in your voice, your unique gifts for leadership, healing and more, personal empowerment, creativity, the steps to overcoming fear blocks, communication skills, embodying your essence and claiming your purpose.


I offer breakthrough strategies that help you understand your voice as a pathway for transformation, motivation, inspiration and earnings.


I'm an intuitive coach, song healer, voice expert and professional international singer.  For over 25 years I have performed throughout the world. My coaching programs build the confidence and authenticity needed to empower your full potential or learn how to authentically serve and inspire from the stage.

I have also studied yoga, dance, sound healing, mythic history, body language, spiritual healing, Steiner teaching and was raised in the theatre. And I am a mum.


Join me on the journey!


Do you love your voice?


Discover how to "Presence" with your Voice

You don't need to be a singer to awaken the healing tones in the voice.

Be guided by a world class vocal expert to learn how to flip the presence switch in your voice so anytime you feel the self-doubt or voice of the inner critic speaking up you can flip the switch and experience the deeper power and presence you long for with your voice.


Access the key life changing techniques to create simple and powerful tones.


Are you Ready?

I invite you to receive the techniques to unlock your authentic voice and presence and to be magnetic to a focused audience who find you irresistible


You'll gain the confidence to step into the light of your leadership and deepest work.


What happens for you when you become authentically and fearlessly visible?


  • You find your ‘signature voice’ to use to attract clients and groups

  • You open up your connection to others, the energy field, the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and the elements

  • You become confident with intuition

  • You're able to direct the vibrational influence your physical, energetic and mental bodies

  • You be able to channel and manifest your deepest programs and offerings

  • You develop new self-care practices for yourself or your clients


Previous client results:​


  • Marrying your expertise and your truth

  • Successfully calling in more aligned clients

  • Finding tones in their voice they didn't know they had

  • Doubling their income

  • Opening up their voice as a channel for guidance

  • Creating a lap top international business

  • Unlocking the true purpose of their voice

  • Overcoming the fear of using their voice​​

  • Understanding how to use sound a "system" for healing

  • Having way more fun in their business

  • Understanding the way their voice likes to work

  • Remembering past incarnations and gifts

  • Deep healing of emotional and mental blocks 

  • Becoming a better speaker


In the training you will enjoy:​


  • Recorded training calls and tutorials​

  • Implementation guidelines to follow

  • Sound Healing methods to apply

  • Toning, sounding and voice coaching videos 

  • PDF teaching resources

  • 24/7 access to the learning platform

  • Lifetime access from sign up to the training material so you can access anytime

  • A private fb group online community with other healers, practitioners, leaders and lightworkers who will support you to succeed in truly expressing the intuitive flow and healing frequencies of your voice.​​

Join the Sacred Woman Sound Healing Journey today and save.

It would be my pleasure to share this with you. I've been exploring this all my life

Evergreen Training

The 'Sacred Woman Sound Healing’ Method takes you through 7 steps to unlock the voice of your soul with sound and gain self-awareness and self-empowerment.


Stories, esoteric, and clairvoyant exercises, creative tools of sounding from ancient traditions, new and vital toning systems, and inspirational feminine mystery teachings awaken and re-architect the wisdom of the divine feminine voice in the body and energy field.


You receive a leading edge sound healing toolkit you can use immediately with your clients.


You awaken to a goddess path of developing conscious awareness of your intuitive channel through toning and bringing the soul into the body.


You gain deeper understanding of the physical, energetic, emotional, soul and spirit natures of the voice within the body.


You re-experience the fundamental role of the feminine voice in the evolution of human consciousness and see how reclaiming lost feminine wisdom of the voice is a key to healing the full power of your self-expression and purpose.


You encounter your soul gifts more deeply as you learn the spiritual secrets of tone at the level of technique.


Be guided by the golden thread that takes you into the Mysteries, step by step, until the full light of your soul is uncovered.


Your Investment



5 x Part Payments
$167 AUD




Single Payment
$797 AUD





I had a lot of fear around singing, toning and chanting in public and my main reason for joining this course was to free my voice and breakdown some of that. Dominique's energy and teaching style are divinely feminine, expressive, embodied... and she brings a sense freedom and joy the lessons. 
The information was comprehensive and practical. And easy to access and understand. The whole course was a deep healing journey for me, something i will go back to. And something that will find its way into all parts of my life.
I connected to these deep and ancient expressions and aspects of my voice that blew me away. 
It inspired me to sing, and to my own surprise I became brave enough to sing and tone in public! 
I can't wait to continue to journey with these tools.
I highly recommend this course. I loved it! Thank you.

Teresa Fino
The Vibrational Alchemist

Working with Dominique has released my voice, layer by layer, and it’s getting stronger by the day.


I’m feeling a powerful energy rising up within me, propelling me forward, with a powerful voice to match it. My voice has been released to be more visible and heard in the world. I’m already thrilled with the results and we’re only just getting started!! Her knowledge is truly deep and I am continually being WOW’ed and confronted each and every week.


A deep bow of gratitude to you Dominique for having the courage to heed the call to gather us for this vital work on the planet. 

Keri Kaplan Norley
Author, Speaker, FB Group leader of Limitless Lounge, Coach/Mentor at  Keri Norley - The Manifesting Queen

‪Dominique Oyston’s work is amazing, mind-blowing even. 


Dominique not only provides really useful information about voice, she gives solid exercises and techniques to use to improve your quality, sound and projection.

I've uncovered insights around blocks I didn't even know I had.


So if any part of your business covers using your voice to communicate as a tool then I recommend you contact Dominique and let her know you want some of what I had!


Thank you to Dominique Oyston for the amazing, exciting, challenging journey of the Sound Healing Voice.


It was so much more than I was expecting - and I got out of it so much more than I'd dared to hope.


Dominique integrates many fields of knowledge in her voice work. Her teaching gifts shine in her kind, encouraging and helpful feedback on the videos we posted in the Facebook group.


It's been a fantastic, transformational journey and I've got so much more out of it than I expected. Challenging and exciting! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. I’m still very much a beginner, but already some things will never look (or sound) the same.

Medha Paola Murtagh 
Money Energy Specialist

I've been a healer for many years and I started to feel called to using sound but I wanted a really firm and solid foundation before I started incorporating it in my sessions.


The Healing Voice gave me that.

The course is so generous with resources, knowledge and practices that I feel like I have been given years worth of learning.


It is superb value.


I will be diving into and out of the material for a long time to come as my experience builds and I'm so grateful for that.


I highly recommend this course to any other healer who is considering including sound in their work and wants a solid foundation from which to spread their wings.


Anna Carson 

Intuitive Kinesiologist

Praises to Dominique Oyston for her absolutely amazing course. It was packed full of so much beautiful understanding of sound and the way it has been used through the millenia.

I now have the guidance as to how I can start to access this powerful healing energy for myself, for my clients and the collective. This is such an inspiring and powerful course!

Thank you Dominique for a phenomenal Sound Healing journey


I loved this program and am actually still working my way through it as I have been doing each exercise that she set, for a few days i love them so much. 


Dominique has such a beautiful and authentic teaching style, with so much depth, knowledge and magic 

Thankyou! xxxx



Single Payment
$797 AUD




5 x Part Payments
$167 AUD


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